Module Private.Parser

type error =
| Partial
| Fail of Core.Error.t
type chunk_kind =
| Start_chunk
| Continue_chunk of int
type chunk_parser_result =
| Chunk_complete of Core.Bigstring.t Core_unix.IOVec.t
| Done
| Partial_chunk of Core.Bigstring.t Core_unix.IOVec.t * int
val parse_request : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Core.Bigstring.t -> ( Request.t * int, error ) Core.result

Attempts to parse a buffer into a HTTP request. If successful, it returns the parsed request and an offset value that indicates the starting point of unconsumed content left in the buffer.

val parse_chunk_length : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Core.Bigstring.t -> ( int * int, error ) Core.result
val parse_chunk : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Core.Bigstring.t -> chunk_kind -> ( chunk_parser_result * int, error ) Core.result
module Private : sig ... end